
A guide to help you detect health problems early when they are most treatable. Your doctor can modify or add to these recommendations based on your medical history and personal risk factors.


Breast Health

Breast self-exam:

Women of all ages should know their breasts so they can discuss any changes with their health-care providers.

Breast exam by Doctor:  Women younger than 40 should have a breast exam by a medical professional at least every three years. Every year for women 40 and older.

Mammogram: Every one to two years, beginning at age 40, for women at average risk for breast cancer.

Discuss risk factors and family history with your doctor for individual schedule.

Reproductive Health

Pelvic exam:  Annually, throughout life. This exam can help your doctor find evidence of various gynaecological conditions, including cancer, sexually transmitted diseases, fibroids and cysts.

Pap test: For women ages 21 to 30 every two years, and every three years from 30 through age 60. Women older than 60 should discuss with their doctors whether this test is recommended for them.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: Women up to age 26 whose HPV vaccine series is incomplete (two to three doses are required, depending on the age at which the vaccine is given) should discuss vaccination with their health-care provider.

blood pressure checkHeart

Health Blood pressure test:  At least every two years. High blood pressure can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart attack, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease and dementia.

Cholesterol panel: At least every five years, total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides should be measured to assess heart-disease risk. Discuss the right frequency for you with your health-care provider.


Fasting Plasma Glucose (preferred) or Haemoglobin A1C: Every three years for women ages 45 and over. For those with at least one additional risk factor may regularly be tested starting at any age.

Eye Exam : At least once from age 20-29; at least two exams from age 30-39. At age 40, get a baseline eye disease screening, with follow-ups as recommended. Starting at age 65, eye exams every 1-2 years.

Hepatitis C (HCV): If you’re born between 1945 and 1965, talk to your doctor about this test.

Bone density: At least once. Talk to your doctor about the right age for you to be tested.

In addition to the screenings listed here, any time you have concerns about your sleep habits, mental health or symptoms you are experiencing, talk with your doctor.

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